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Blissed Connections March 9, 2008

Posted by BittenChick in Dating n' Mating.

In a brief moment of revelation this morning, I discovered that one of my boobs is slightly bigger than the other. Now I’m not talking about a freakish distinction that might earn me a permanent exhibit at the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not museum, but given the number of times lately that my goodies have been out on display, you’d think I might have noticed something. Whoops, did I just say that? *Evil Grin* Now this bit of mammary awareness really has nothing to do with anything, except that it got me into a “things that make you go ‘hmmm'” kind of mood — one of those situations where you closely observe something and notice things that you’ve never seen before. This sometimes leads to confusion, often times to delight, and more often than not, a fair mixture of the two. Ahhh, but I’m getting ahead of myself! So allow me to back that train up a stop or two, for speaking of revelatory experiences, these last few weeks have been chock full of them!

My first slice of wild happenstance occurred when I felt a curious desire to visit the “Missed Connections” section of Craig’s List. Now, back in my less “elitist” online dating days (hehe), I used CL a time or two for meeting potential dates and actually managed to wrangle my first post-4YG relationship. But it had been a good year and a half since I ventured into the murky depths of CL ads, and upon spying the link in my “Monkeys!!!” bookmark folder, I decided to give it a look. By the way, that folder actually does exist (exclamation points all intact) and I typically use it to store websites that I only visit under the most dire, boredom-induced circumstances. Why I attribute boredom to monkeys is just one of life’s mysteries …

So there I was, clicking through ridiculously vague postings (sample: “I saw u at circle K. U r hot. Hit me up sumtime baby!”) Once my voyeuristic curiosities were fulfilled, I began wondering if there was anyone locally who I might like to find, and right away I thought of him — the charming guy who threw me a flower at my favorite grocery last summer, whom I spent several minutes flirting with and never saw again. I knew his name and what he looked like, but little else. Was there any possibility?

I wrote a little ad with distinct information (where/when we’d met, what he looked like, his name) and some more subtle clues, and posted it. And to be honest, I forgot all about it until midway through the following day, when I received an email saying “I know who you’re looking for! Here’s his MySpace!” Surprised, but expecting a scam of some kind, I followed the breadcrumb … And there he was. After 8 months and only one meeting. It was Gino.

He was a little bit older than I’d expected, but his photographs showed that same warm smile and flirty eyes that charmed me the first time. A friend (presumably the one who wrote to me) had left him a comment pointing out my CL post, so I knew it was too late to be shy or change my mind. So I wrote him a note: “Hey stranger, I’m the mystery girl who wrote about you on Craig’s List. Do you remember me?” He responded within hours, and said how touched he was that someone whom he’d spoken to only briefly had remembered him after all this time. He confessed that he wasn’t sure initially who I was, but he wanted to know more about me. Our brief succession of emails led to a four hour phone conversation, an indecently long first date, and and intense flux of emotions between us that began suggesting that this was all “meant to be” …

And then we came to our senses. Halle-freakin’-llujah!

Because you know me, dear readers. Ever since busting up my pseudo-engagement with Broody last summer (whom I also have news about — stay tuned!), I have been happily, if curiously, anti-relationship in the traditional sense of the world. I call it “free spirited”, although Bean recently pointed out that he’s always equated that phrase with one who sleeps around, which was somewhat troubling, though humorous! In my eyes, “free spirited” is a more hippie-esque way of describing the desire to not be tied down, to play the field, to have fun, to live in the moment. Apparently this is a condition more readily observed in women of the college-aged variety, whereas my stoic sisters in their late-20’s and beyond are meant to be settling into their childbearing years with an urgency and desperation that intensifies with each passing birthday. Charming, right? I apologize deeply to all and sundry for not finding that scenario to be tremendously appealing. ;-)

So whether I’m worldly and wise, or my old fashioned settlin’ down tendencies just haven’t kicked in, who knows. What I do know is that my mischievous Gemini tendencies love to get all passionate and intense about something (or someone) very quickly … But if the temperature under that pot isn’t carefully watched to prevent an over-boil, I burn out far too quickly and move on to the next challenge. Thankfully Gino has some of the same qualities, and following our multi-day lusting spree, we realized that we needed to really dial down the intensity and kind of start over from scratch if we had any hope of transitioning into a “normal” courtship. So we began anew, one of our first distinctions being that we weren’t exclusively dating, and that hanging out maybe once a week was good to start. Which suited my free-spirit just fine when the next unexpected wave of “connections” began unfurling … But that’s a new story for another post. *Grin* It’s good to be back!

♥ BittenChick


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