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Anal Retention November 2, 2007

Posted by BittenChick in Textual Harassment.
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Dammit, I really miss Mac sometimes — especially when he textually harasses me in the unique way only he can!

Now, I have to qualify the following conversation by saying that all references to butt/anal sex are purely for sophomoric entertainment purposes. No anuses were violated in the writing of these text messages, promise! – ♥ BittenChick

BC: Butt sex!!
Mac: Giving or receiving?
BC: Both, at the same time. SO hot.
Mac: So I guess I know what *you* did on Halloween…
BC: And have you found any hot ladiez in California to bone yet?
Mac: Sorry, what were we talking about? I was staring at myself in the mirror and I got distracted.
BC: Oh, let me guess … “Wow, I have such a big mouth and such a small penis — how did *that* work out?”
Mac: Fuck. You.
BC: We’re sorry, the text you have just sent has been rejected due to lack of creativity. Please try again. – Sprint Quality Control
Mac: Dear Sprint Valued Customer, we’re sorry to hear of your recent stabbing and wish you luck with your anal reconstructive surgery.
BC: Damn. So much for butt sex.